Matrix Trading Services (Pvt) Ltd is a distribution company that works under the banner of Matrix (Pvt) Ltd which deals in the distribution of Chemicals and Plastics. Matrix is the local agent of some world’s leading companies in Pakistan like Afton Chemicals USA, Huntsman Corp USA, Total Petrochemicals Belgium, Yenom Singapore, Akpa Chemicals Turkey, Inoex GmbH Germany, Srisol Compounds India. They deliver Finished Fuel Additives, Gas Treating Chemicals, Polymer raw materials and equipment for the plastic pipe industry, Packaging and Rubber Industry. Matrix Chemical Industry is another industry that is responsible for manufacturing processes. The company is engaged in manufacturing Un-saturated Polyester resin, which is primarily used in the manufacturing of Fiberglass items, Car Putty, Buttons, etc. Unsaturated Polyester resins are used in sheet moldings compound, bulk moldings compound. Matrix Trading Services is responsible for the distribution of all these products of Matrix (Pvt) Ltd.

Services Provided

MAGUS IT has provided Matrix Trading Services software development services to cater to their needs. We are still providing maintenance services for the software we developed for them.